Galloo Menen (Industrielaan)

Contact details


Industrielaan 75
B-8930 Menen


T: +32 56 52 13 00

Opening times

Accessible for professionals

Galloo Menen (Industrielaan)

Since 2001 Galloo has also been processing discarded electrical and electronic equipment. This is done via the well-known Recupel system. We process more than 25,000 tons of white goods, brown goods and TVMs (television screens and monitors) every year.

We use sheltered workshops for the depollution or separation of metal and other substances in electrical and electronic devices. An added benefit of this work is that we create additional jobs for many dozens of disadvantaged people. We are very proud of that, too.

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Contact details

Belgium: +32 56 52 13 00
France: +33 3 20 23 91 49